Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Summer Musings

Well, it has been a great summer. Lots of time off to rest, reguvinate, and swim. I love it when I get cool and swimming is my favorite activity because it gets me moving in the am. but also creates for me a place to float. Since gravity takes a lot out of me, I think floating is the best. I have read some great novels this summer, scrapbooked, quilted some baby quilts with one more to go... and have enjoyed just being a blob. My studio has been really relaxed and many of my students have just blossomed with music camps, vacations, and some extra practice time they don't get during school. So it has been a great summer for all. Micah and Sarah just left for Carnegie Mellon, David and Julie are busy with school in Erie, the grandkids are growing and soon we will have two more. Conrad was born June 30th to Diana and Ryan and we have been to meet him. He is so small and precious. We bless him in two weeks. It will be so nice to have them closer to Salt Lake. They are looking for housing in the Ogden area so he can go to work at Hill Air Force Base.
Dallin has had a few classes this summer at the Massage School but basically home and gaming on War Craft and helping us out by doing massages to practice on us. Macy has had a great summer with friends, drill, work, and play. She is up north this weekend enjoying the cooler weather.
We have had several guests over the summer and have had a great time seeing everyone and getting some movies done. Thank goodness for Netflix...we would be so lost without them. We also have had a chance to go to the movies and there has been some fun ones out there. Wall E was really a hoot.
School begins soon and we must turn our thoughts to the daily grind again. I am looking forward to a new job doing orchestra a three schools and two choirs. Hope to return to counseling some day again. Working on the schedule for fall in the studio and putting together my groups and such.
Well, the time is far spent. I must go and do those last minute items I keep putting down the road. Off to the grind again after a much needed rest.